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Writer's pictureKatrina McGiffin MSN, CYT

3 Ways to Align With Nature's Rhythm

We went on a hike this weekend and my kids could not get enough time playing with the tree sap that was spilling out of many trees along the way. Some was soft, most of it was hard, but they were fascinated by the amber liquid that could flow out of such a sturdy being.

Much of the area through which we were hiking had burned in a recent forest fire. While the canopy was still intact and green undergrowth flourished all around us, the trunks of most of the trees bore burn scars and told the story of trauma that had been endured. My youngest wondered aloud at one point, "Mama, is the sap like their blood? Are they bleeding?".

We had such a good discussion about how, yes, sap is like a tree's blood. We talked about their cycles of growth and change, and, even, how they had recently been found to have a heartbeat! "They aren't so unlike us, are they!?" he said. Nope, no they aren't.

And, that's just it. The more we can identify with nature, to see ourselves as an integral part of nature, the more in tune we become with the true needs of our being. It's our attunement with nature that that helps us connect more deeply with the ancient wisdom within each one of us.

Initiating greater attunement with nature can be really simple. Click the link below to download my '3 Ways to Find Greater Alignment With Your Natural Rhythm Guide.'

Nature is not something that is outside of us. We are nature and connecting to that knowing is at the root of what helps us find greater health.




The TRUE NATURE RETREAT has just a few spots left. Make sure to register soon, if you plan on joining us. We are planning an extra special event on Friday evening of the retreat, as it will be the Full Buck Moon, which is also the first Full Moon of Summer. Expect a beautiful ritual accompanied by a luxurious sound bath under the light of the Full Moon. I'm so excited for this extra special opportunity to cleanse and restore with the Full Moon while gathering with others in nature! Sign up today!

RESTORE YOU GROUP will next be held in July! Sign up today to be a part of the 5 day mimicked fast and mindfulness program to rejuvenate body and mind!

PRIVATE NUTRITION COUNSELING now has spaces open for new clients! If you are curious about going into deeper work around your relationship with body and food, schedule a discovery call today!

PS: I love connecting with others and sharing my passions. Follow me on Instagram to catch my daily offerings!

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