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Writer's pictureKatrina McGiffin MSN, CYT

Supplements to Have on Hand During This Time

Updated: Mar 21, 2020

I had to go to the pharmacy the other day. The completely empty sections piqued my curiosity. Nothing surprising… medical gloves and masks, thermometers, immune support were all OUT.

What I found surprising was that the cough/cold sections were FULL. I was glad because it meant not everybody was actually sick yet, but also was curious when those would empty out. My guess is that those sections are what is next to be cleared.

Get your hands on some immune support if you don't have it yet, but also make sure you have items at the ready if you do get sick, Covid-19 or not.

Following is a list of my favorite immune support and cold/cough remedies.

You can purchase them through my online dispensary here for 15% off (plus any other supplements you might want)! You will see labeled categories, in which you will find my specific brand recommendations. There are 4 categories relevant to this time: Immune Support, Immune Support Kids, Cough and Cold Adult, Cough and Cold Kid. Some items are on backorder, but they are restocking them regularly!

DISCLAIMER: *The information provided in this post is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should not use the information in this post for self-diagnosis or to replace any prescriptive medication. You should consult with a health care professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem, suffer from allergies, are pregnant or nursing.

Here is how I am supplementing myself and my family for immune support:


- Lysine Extra - 2 caps 3x/day (or you can take 2 caps daily if you think you've been exposed to something as a preventative measure)

- Vitamin A - 5000-10,000/d for duration of actual time being ill, but not beyond a few days.

- Echinacea - 2.5ml/d with first symptom, can up from there depending on illness (high doses have been shown to be as effective as tamiflu). Echinacea should be used on/off for effectiveness. I usually do 5 days on/2 days off.

- Vitamin C (10.80) 2000g/d (increasing to bowel tolerance, if sick)

- Zinc Citrate - 30-60mg/day


- Echinacea - 2.5ml/d with first symptom, can up from there depending on illness (high doses have been shown to be as effective as tamiflu). Echinacea should be used on/off for effectiveness. I usually do 5 days on/2 days off. I am doing this everyday right now for preventative measures.

- Vitamin C Gummies - follow dosing on package

- Immunoberry - This liquid is super effective... A mix of immune boosting herbs and mushrooms. Taste is not bad. I give the kids a shot daily when exposed and 2x/day when actively sick.

Here is how I am supplementing myself and my family for managing a cough/cold:


- Bronchial Soothe - This is mainly English Ivy, which provides amazing bronchial support. Use as directed.

- Echinacea/Gold Propolis Throat Spray - This might be one of my most favorite supplements. It makes a sore throat feel better almost instantly. It also, almost immediately, heals cankor and other mouth sores. Use as directed. It tastes horrible, but my kids beg for it when they don't feel well.

- Old Indian Wild Cherry Bark Syrup - This is an all around fantastic cough syrup. It is not a favorite with the kids, but it works! It is especially helpful for gaggy, unproductive coughs, but really has something in it for every kind of cough!

- NAC - 600mg 3x/day on an empty stomach


- Bronchial Soothe - This is mainly English Ivy, which provides amazing bronchial support. Use as directed.

- Echinacea/Gold Propolis Throat Spray - This might be one of my most favorite supplements. It makes a sore throat feel better almost instantly. It also, almost immediately, heals cankor and other mouth sores. Use as directed. It tastes horrible, but my kids beg for it when they don't feel well.

- Old Indian Wild Cherry Bark Syrup - This is an all around fantastic cough syrup. It is not a favorite with the kids, but it works! It is especially helpful for gaggy, unproductive coughs, but really has something in it for every kind of cough!

- Kids Cough Crusader - If your child can't stand the Old Indian Wild Cherry Bark Syrup, this has a more kid friendly flavor with similar benefits.

Contact me with any questions! xo Katrina

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